domenica 30 gennaio 2011

i should finish it but i don't know if i will :(
is like when you know that you should go trough more steps
to achieve a good rendering , but you also like the point where you stopped at !

props & environments


environment study for a concept i've worked for

environment study for a concept i've worked for

environment study for a concept ì've worked for

environment studies for a concept i've worked for...

background drawings made for the animation short at the school of Comics

depiction of ruins & water

Wonderland...behind the mirror

this is the first complete work i made before attending the Comics school ,
 i'm not so proud of this but it's a work i'm fond of 

bird's study

flamingo & red cardinal ...  some of the ones i like best ...

bird's study

cover for my book...

... last year's exam at Ineternational School of Comics , Rome

Nds ti adoro...tnx Manlio...XD